GameJam Day 3: Thar she blows!

Today will just be a quick list and a video because I’m bloody exhausted.

  • Finished most of the UI layout.
  • Implemented a randomized system for the position of the ingredients.
  • Implemented recipe generation.

Here’s a gif showing off the movement and the randomization.

Finally, something that caught me off-guard today is that the Unity Color class only accepts values from 0 to 1.0, regular 0-255 RGB won’t work.

public static readonly Color RedIngredientColor = new Color(1, 0.1843137f, 0);
public static readonly Color BlueIngredientColor = new Color(0.2901961f, 0.05098039f, 1);
public static readonly Color GreenIngredientColor = new Color(0.09803922f, 1, 0.6745098f);
public static readonly Color YellowIngredientColor = new Color(1, 0.9215686f, 0.09803922f);

Tomorrow is a holiday here in Canada, so most likely I won’t be doing much work(well, perhaps a little :P)

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