GameJam Day 2: Mothers don't let your babies grow up to be game developers

Today was a pretty good day, I did not reach the goals I had set out, but honestly, just like the pirate code, those are more like guidelines.

On the other hand, I did finish 90%(you always forget one) of the assets I need for my MVP.

I also made the decision to lock the game at a resolution of 1024x768 or thereabouts. It has been a while since I’ve had to negotiate with varying resolutions in Unity. And for a game jam, sticking to 1 resolution to keep it simple is ok I’d say.

Something that I forgot to do yesterday and came to bite me in the arse today, was not mocking up my game on Inkscape with the correct aspect ratio to see how everything would be positioned on the screen. I did a freehand mockup, but the “paper prototype” is always superior. This will always tell you if your sizes and proportions are ok.

Finally, I’m not happy with the backgrounds, they look weird, but this is a game jam, so good is good enough and I’ll let them be, or rather punt it to the very bottom of the NTH(Nice to have’s) list.

Tomorrow I’ll start coding, and my objective is to have the movement and recipe prepping done. I’ll leave winning and losing conditions for the day after.

Today’s album was 1977’s Fabulous Poodles by Fabulous Poodles, a British pre-new wave band:

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